REASON FOR AUDIT PERFORMED PR: (taken from lecture handouts, Padjadjaran University audit of public relations By: Evie Ariadne)

Still confused, why would a company need a PR audit?

   1. PR audit conducted while PRO (Public Relations Officer) was installed in his work. The audit will provide information on strengths, and weaknesses of public relations, explained the purpose of homework, determine the function of PR, and shows potensian value of public relations programs.
   2. While the PRO plan activity programs, the audit can help management identify PRO through the perception from the outside and push toward a CHANGE.
   3. When the new CEO, an audit helps to know the priority of new programs that will be implemented and public attitudes towards the institution
   4. There is a change in the financial condition and want to develop the budget for activities and public relations activities generally lemabga particular. As fluctuations in income that drastic, changes in dividends, changes to the budget or public relations activities.
   5. When agencies make changes direction, the audit will give clues whether to perform GO PUBLIC, MERGERS, acquisitions, and the emphasis PRODUCT or SERVICE
   6. Major changes in institutional structures, such as the success achieved, the new management arrangements, and re-styling the bureau. The audit will alert the leadership in the face of change yan received from the public within and outside
   7. When necessary review or the identity uklan conducted PR campaigns, audits assist in determining a new direction
   8. while PRO mandate requires clarity of leadership, the audit provides the necessary objectivity.
   9. when necessary to establish a peg in branding / brenchmark for the joint benchmarks to measure progress and annual / periodic planning to rearrange priorities
  10. While the need to build the foundation and background for policy development and planning of new programs


Still remember, the public relations process model created by Cutlip & Center, in his book Effective PR. This is the model most often used by PR practitioners, to plan a PR Plan.

In this model there are 4 important stages, namely: Defining Public Relations Problems (Situation Analysis: What Is Happening Now), Planning and Programming (Strategy: What Should We do and say and WHY?), Taking action and Communicatiing (Implementation: How and Pls We do do and say it?), the last Evaluation Program (Assessment: How did WE DO?)

   1. Defining the problem: is done through research by analyzing the situation of understanding, opinions, attitudes, and behavior of public institutions. QUESTION: for the things which are contrary to the results. Fact Finding this problem can be formulated to accurately
   2. Planning Programming: From the formulation of the problem, made strategic planning and decision making to create a work program based on the adjusted policy institutions as well with the public interest. THE QUESTION, what to do? And what will he say? And why do this?
   3. Phase execution / implementation and communication: in this phase of the program PRO must communicate in an interesting way so that they can influence public attitudes that encourage them to support the implementation of the program. QUESTION: how and when to do and how to explain it
   4. This phase assesses the results of the implementation program of planning, program implementation, communicating samapai success of failure that occurred from the program. QUESTION: how do we do it?

In addition to the above PR 4 stages, we can also use other stages:

Joyce F Jones Said:


This is an interview with top management and in some cases middle management to see the strengths and weaknesses in the company, the public relevant and problems - issues that are relevant explored


The study was conducted to determine the proximity of public view with the view of the company


A balance sheet that describes the public relations assets, capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses are designed based on the analysis of differences obtained from the first and second step


A comprehensive public relations program designed to reduce the differences obtained in the first and second step


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