3 Dimensional Communication Media, Fine Arts Work Able Delivering the Message

3 Dimensional Communication Media, Fine Arts Work Able Delivering the Message

Concept art continues to evolve in line with the development of culture and community life is dynamic, it is characterized more and more bermuculannya flow concept of art as the development of the conventional art.

These developments turned out to affect the development of visual communications design world, which according to some opinion dasain classify any part of the visual communication is an applied art.

Currently Visual Communication Design (DKV) is not merely take advantage of two-dimensional media as a "canvas" in conveying the message. This can be seen from the increasing number of Visual Communication Design results using three media, resulting in a more innovative communication but still does not eliminate the essence of the delivery of messages on audiesn / khalaya (to communicate), because it is the ultimate goal of making a design komonikasi visually.

3 Dimensions of communication design is heavily influenced by the emergence of art instralasi which is literally the definition of the word art installations berasala install = install, installation = installation.

So the art is an art installation that install, integrate, integrate and construct a number of objects that are thought to refer to a context of awareness of meaning / purpose.

More specifically the installation is to install, assemble, the components of art objects and other objects (outside the context of fine art).

As revealed by Setiawan Sabana which states that "the installation is an assembly of components in the artwork that had separated as sculpture, painting, graphics and ceramics"

What distinguishes it is when art instralasi prefer the beauty and artistic value of a work of art, but a visual communication design must also be able to deliver a message to audies keapada even though the clouds.

With the advent of three-dimensional media usage trends, to challenge for the designers of 3-dimensional communication. Because not only have to meciptakan an artistic design and value to attract attention audies art per se, but a communication design should also be able to convey a message to the audies is clearly to be easy to understand the aims and objectives to be delivered from the production design.

The explanation above into the background in the manufacture of paper with the title "3 Dimensional Media Communications, is a work of art that is able to convey the message". Where the subject matter is anything that must be considered in making three-dimensional medium of artistic communication, but still capable menyampakan message to the audience.

Expected with the above discussion can enrich both the writer thought maupu perpetrators of visual communication design, the design of three-dimensional communication.


            Characteristics of 3 Dimensional Media

Before designing a 3 Dimensional Design Communications that must be considered first is characteristic, because the three-dimensional media is clearly different from two-dimensional media. possess the characteristic three-dimensional media, among others:

    Has a volume / content terbetuk of dimensions length, width and height which is owned by a 3-dimensional media. In contrast to the two dimensions that have only length and width dimensions so that only just set up a unit area.
    Visually can be enjoyed / viewed from different angles / view ports (Front, Rear, side, top and bottom), in contrast to 2-dimensional media that tends to only be enjoyed from one viewpoint only (front).
    Having Permukanan with real texture (metal, plastic, wood, metal, glass. Etc.)

Placement / Exhibition Space

In addition to know the characteristics of three-dimensional media a designer must also consider the placement / Communication Design exhibition space of 3-dimensional because it is so berpeangaruh both in concept and execution phase as a whole. an outline that must be considered include:

    Type of placement / exhibition space (Outdoor or Indoor)
    Spacious room.
    Source of Light.

From the above factors, it is very influential in:

    Types of materials to be used
    Design size is proportional
    Construction Materials
    The process of making

Aspects that should diperhatijan in designing 3 Dimensions

There are several important aspects that must be considered to design a communication medium three dimensions, which greatly affect the final results of a three-dimensional communication design work:


Nearly every process of creating a work of art melewatai this stage, even as powerful as an artist of fine arts will never miss this process, including a visual communication designer.

Aims for the maturation concept sketch of a three-dimensional design, concrete picture of the sketch will kosep design that will be designed, both in terms of form and construction.

    Penetuan Materials

A 3-dimensional Design Materials into aspects that must be considered because it affects the beauty and penyampaiyan message, especially when using installation techniques. Setting Selling material therefore must be adjusted to the concept of a desaian.

Penetuan materials also performed after mengatahui characteristics of shelf space (outdoor / indoor) and the budget required in the manufacture of a display


In this stage that must be considered among other things, place of manufacture / design (installed above the display or in working places elsewhere), Ways of making / designing (mengecor, cutting, slicing, polishing, welding, etc.) it depends on the material to be used, and old craftsmanship to design dirancan be completed according to plan.


Lighting / light is part of a three-dimensional design in which the lighting reinforces the dimension that is formed from 3-dimensional design itself, can pencahayang terasal from sources of natural light and artificial light.


Finishing stage is the stage of evaluation of everything you've done, all surfaces must dipasitkan has been designed with good considering all bagiana 3-dimensional design is part of the design that can be enjoyed (can be viewed from different angles)


Because in general 3-dimensional designs on display in a long time, the good and proper treatment are very influential on the overall design quality.


Safety 3-dimensional design to be completely safe, both in terms of material selection in order kostruksi well, we created a design that does not pose a hazard.

Basic Principles of Fine Arts

                        Media Design Communication is this part of the fine arts, as a design, 3-dimensional must also meet the basic principles of Fine Arts of them.

         Unity (Unity)

Unity is one of the basic principles of grammar are very important way. The lack of unity in a work such a way as to make the work appear fragmented, chaotic resulting work is not considered convenient. This principle is the principle relationships. If one or more elements of a way to have a relationship (color, expression, direction, etc.), then the union has been achieved.

    Balance (Balance)

Works of art and design should have a balance to be viewed comfortably and do not make restless. Just as if we see a tree or building will collapse, we measa uncomfortable and tend restless. Balance is a state experienced by an object if all the dayan who worked mutually exclusive. In the field of art of this balance can not be measured but can be felt, which is a state where all the parts in a work of no burden to each other.

    The proportion (Proportion)

The proportion of the basic principles of governance, including a way to obtain harmony. To obtain the necessary harmony in a work of comparison - the comparison is appropriate. Basically, the proportion is a mathematical comparison of a field. Divine Proportion (The Golden Mean) is the proportion of the most popular and used until now in the works of art to works of architecture. These proportions using Fibonacci series of numbers that have a ratio of 1:1,618, often also used 8: 13. It is said that this proportion is the ratio found in natural objects, including the size structure of the human body so that it counts the proportion handed down by God Himself. In the field of design, these proportions can be seen in a comparison of paper sizes and page layouts.

    Rhythm (Rhythm)

Rhythm is the repetition of motion are regular and continuous. In the form - the form of nature can we take the example of the repetition of motion in the waves of the sea, rows of ants, motion foliage, and others. Principles of rhythmic repetition really is the relationship of the form - the form element of form.

    Domination (Domination)

Dominance is one of the basic principles tatarupa that must exist in art and design. Dominance Dominance comes from the word meaning excellence. Superior properties and this will make a special element of the puller and the center of attention. In the world of design, often called dominance of Interest Center, Focal Point and Eye Catcher. Dominance has a miraculous goal is to attract attention, breaks up the monotony and to break the regularities. Usually ditengarahi with emphasis.

Principle 3 Dimensions of visual communication

Visual messages have to be creative (original, innovative and seamless), communicative, efficient and effective, as well as beautiful / aesthetic. In the design of visual communication, in addition to the principles of art above there are several key principles of visual communication of a work of design.

    Empty space (White Space)

Empty space is so that the work is not too dense in its placement on a plane and makes an object become dominant.

    Clarity (Clarity)

Clarity or clarity affects the interpretation of the audience will be a masterpiece. How a work can be easily understood and not cause ambiguous / dual meaning.

    Simplicity (Simplicity)

Simplicity requires the creation of works which are no more and no less. Simplicity also means seing right and not excessive. Achievement of simplicity encourages lovers to look long and not feel bored.

    Emphasis (Point of Interest)

Emphasis also called the center of attention, a development that aims to highlight the dominance of one element as the center of attention so as to achieve artistic value.

Typography 3 Dimensions

In Communication Design 3-dimensional typography, becoming an integral usur, as support the delivery of messages, but its existence should not be too dominant that disrupt the integrity of desian as a whole, because it's a typeface design should be simple and brief,


Many aspects must be considered in making three-dimensional communication design, especially the aspects keindahah a fine art to attract audies.Namun besides that a three-dimensional design must also be an effective messenger.

This aspect of beauty / aesthetics and communication that should repulse on a 3-dimensional design of the communication media becoming a challenge for the designers to continue to produce his work so as to produce a three-dimensional work of art that is able to communicate and also have artistic value.


Christian Art said...

Fine art photos have an aesthetic appeal depicting the natural beauty of every subject.Every picture conveys a thousand words.

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