Teori Johari Window

Johari Window is very useful in the science of psychology and it is important to apply in life. daily or Johari Window Johari Window is one way to look at the dynamics of self-awareness, which relates to behavior, feelings, and motives. The model was created by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in 1955 is useful to observe the way we understand ourselves as part of the communication process. Well, this is why pengampu lecturer told us to form a group to then assess the personality of each individual within a group. After assessing and evaluating the assessment of a group of friends, we can say that I and two other friends can receive a description of a given personality, both positive and negative behavior. At that moment I thought that the three of us had enough chances to know each other.

The three of us then find the concept of cognitive theory which we think is in accordance with the assessment of an individual personality that has been done by Johari Window approach, namely the theory of Piaget and Vygotsky theories.

* The results of our evaluation of Piaget's theory of analysis, Piaget is a major figure in the field of developmental psychology. Piaget has a concept that is still strong today, as the concept of assimilation, accommodation, object permanence, egocentrism, conservation, and hypothetical-deductive reasoning. Piaget made some observations which indicate about a new way to find out how children behave and adapt to lingkungannya.Beliau menunjukkaan also some important things to be observed in cognitive development, such as the shift from pre-operational thinking to concrete operational thinking. Piaget said that children can actively construct their own cognitive world. Piaget believed that children adjust their thinking to master new ideas, because additional information will increase their understanding of the world. According to Piaget, cognitive development will most likely occur if the context is set to occur gradually progress towards a higher level. He argued that the concept does not appear all of a sudden and complete immediately, but emerged through a series of partial achievement that gave birth to a comprehensive understanding.

* The evaluation of the theory of Vygotsky, there are three claims in view of Vygotsky, namely:

Cognitive skills can be understood if analyzed and interpreted with developmental

Cognitive abilities mediated by words, language, and forms of discourse, which serves as a psychological tool to assist and transform the mental activity

Cognitive abilities derived from social relationships and socio-cultural background influenced

The essence of the three claims above Vygotsky is, that (1) by using a developmental approach means understanding a person's cognitive function by examining its origins and its transformation from an early form to the next form. (2) to understand the person's cognitive function, we must examine the tools memperantai and shape, in other words, languages ​​are the most important tool. (3) the development can not be separated from social and cultural activities. Vygotsky believed that development of memory, attention, and reasoning involves learning to use tools that exist in society, such as language and memory strategies.

In the third claim, appears unique ideas of Vygotsky on the relationship between learning and development. These ideas, among others, Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), scaffolding, Language and Thought.

Our conclusions about how to get the person's behavior during the acquisition and accept the judgment, of course based on cognitive processes that occur when interacting. Role of Piaget's theory by using the assimilation and accommodation which in essence is 'observing' and then 'accept and adjust to the new environment' is portrayed in this communication process Johari Window. Because before you judge someone, of course, we have studied the behavior of the person and behavior often seen in the observations will lead to self-assessment of people who observe, so forth until the individual has to know each other through an approach that is quite deep. Vygotsky and the role of theory is also very clear here, that when assessing a person who has a different personality with other people, then there are the cognitive processes that arise in our mind that each individual must have the social factors underlying the formation and kulturan personality. For example, like this, we observe a friend and we give the judgment was an educated at boarding schools in a long time. Automatic personality is formed and can we value the level of polite behavior 'religius'nya to distinguish it with another friend. Things like that can certainly take a look and realize after knowing the socio-cultural background. Another example, a friend who was impressed bossy or have a high maturity, having observed it was an eldest child who has 5 sisters, and in a family accustomed to independent living environment by his parents, where his role as an elder is emphasized here to maintain and protect her sisters. Habitual act, which means it will be recalled in the social setting in which it resides. So it will be easier to feel familiar with his friend, warm, and like the 'mother' to her friends. So, in our opinion the theory of Piaget and Vygotsky cognitive highly correlated in our cognitive processes in assessing the behavior of individuals as described above, using the concept of Johari Window. So whether cognitive processes are correlated with individual motivation? The answer is highly correlated. According to attribution theory, in an effort to understand their own behavior or performance, people are motivated to discover the underlying causes. This theory is appropriate to interpret the motivations of individuals in getting the judgment of others. After getting an appraisal, an individual must be able to correct themselves and trying to figure out the causes behind the emergence of personality judgments of others.

3 primary attribution according to Weiner is the locus, stability, and power control.

Locus is the perception of success or failure of internal or external factors that affect self-esteem individuals.

Stability is the perception of the stability of a cause that affects the expectations of success

Power control is the perception of control over a number of reasons related to emotional outcomes, such as anger and shame.

In conclusion, after an assessment of behavior and interaction, attribution of the above three reactions also influence individual motivation in accepting the judgment. When individuals think that they can not be accepted other people with causes that can be controlled internally, they could just be a shame and low self-esteem (power control). If the individual is more respectful of him when he received an appraisal (loci) and he can instill positive values ​​in him to cause a steady, that means he can predict that it could be a better person, otherwise if he invested in a negative value because stable, as lack of effort to correct himself, then what happens is he not going to be better than the previous (stability).


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