Directing techniques in video media production

Directing techniques in video media production
by: Alim Sumarno, M.Pd

Many of the problems faced by a program director when carrying out their duties. The problem faced not only the technical issues related to production, but, more importantly, is associated with psychiatric problems. One big problem. For a director of the event, especially the new event director, good time. give command to the command of his relatives, nor the time to take a decision. Decisions in determining the image to be recorded or broadcast, should be done quickly, precisely, and promptly delivered to the relatives of the work in question, without showing any hesitation. Similarly, in giving commands to the cameraman, soundman, lighting, and so forth. Steering a new event always shows his hesitation in giving commands. This happens because in his mind crossed mind that once the act must be followed by other actions on an ongoing basis and can not be stopped sehelum the specified time. Especially if it is their responsibility to be a live broadcast. To avoid the things that are not desirable, a program director must be fully mastered all applicable regulations and follow all the provisions, before moving to the implementation of production, because there is no indication that can be used as a guide in addressing the problems faced by event director , as indeed all the problems facing it really is a very individual matter. Nevertheless, here delivered some clues, especially for the new event director:

    Before going any further, should have a clear concept and detail;
    Must be able to give explanations to his relatives;
    Able to establish a harmonious cooperation between his relatives, so as to create one well coordinated unit, and
    Adheres to established work procedures.

Specifically, about giving commands from the control room, in order to relieve nervousness, can be considered as following directions.

    When giving the command should mention "of whom" and "what" is desired, or "what" is going to happen, and "when".
    Voice must be clear and unequivocal. No need to beat around the bush and do not need to be loud, because the command is given via a communication tool.
    To avoid confusion, there should be an agreement before the time of exercise of command language.

Another thing, which is a burden psikhologis for steering the implementation of the new show is performed entirely by the production switcher. Although the event director has prepared everything in accordance with applicable instructions, but the production is moving full course of another person, the switcher. Not the director of the event. That's what makes. Steering felt a small event, since they do not ever give commands to his relatives. In fact, he knew full well that he would give the final decision, in case of irregularities on his idea, and he knows-that the switcher only as the executor of all he wants through a scenario that has been made. That's why the program director must be fully understood, not only the technical issues of production, but also psychiatric problems. This sort of thing is often overlooked by senior program director. Steering the event should not hesitate to ask for input instructions hesitate to anyone from his family members, and do not hesitate to convey the words "please" and "thank you for your help", at the right time. With these words will help to establish relations of cooperation in carrying out the tasks which it is responsible and this is a good first step to be generate production work as expected. These codes are often used by the chief executive of production as shown below.

Some code floor director for supporting actress (Wuegand, 1985:84)


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